Marketing Means are currently running the Dartmoor Residents Survey 2017 on behalf of the Dartmoor National Park Authority. This is a telephone survey of residents living within the Dartmoor National Park boundaries. As a business based in Ashburton and within the National Park itself, we’re delighted to have the chance to work on this important local project. Most of our team of execs and interviewers also live in or very close to Dartmoor National Park.
For more about the survey, please click this link to the Dartmoor National Park Authority’s news article: DartmoorResidentsSurvey2017
If you’re a Dartmoor resident and receive a call from Marketing Means, please be assured that we hold no information on your household. All of the telephone numbers that we’re calling have been generated at random based on postcodes within the National Park boundaries. The only personal data we collect in the survey itself will be held securely, and only released to the National Park if you give consent during the interview itself. We’re members of the Market Research Society and obey the industry’s Code of Conduct at all stages of the research process.