We’re recruiting for an online forum to discuss issues around Bovine TB policy

JUNE 2014:  Marketing Means is currently conducting a project for the University of Exeter in which we’re looking to find people who may be interested in taking part in an online discussion forum.   The forum will focus on issues relating to the control of bovine TB and in particular the badger-culling policy that the Government tested in certain parts of England in 2013, and intends to continue this year.  The University is particularly interested in finding out whether individuals change their views about badger culling after participating in an online discussion.

The University’s project is called “Doing TB Differently”.  At Marketing Means, we’re telephoning potential participants and conducting a short screening interview to help identify a suitable sample.  Further details about the study will be provided to participants following that initial recruitment call.

The University’s online discussion forum will be run with over 500 participants from 7th July to 11th July 2014, supported by The Argument By Design.  The identities of all participants will remain confidential.  The findings of the study will be published at the end of the project, in 2015.

We thank participants in advance for their help in this interesting research project.

If you receive a call from Marketing Means on this subject and have any queries about the reasons for the project being conducted, you can contact Dr. Clare Saunders, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Politics, Environment and Sustainability Institute, Penryn Campus, University of Exeter (email to c.saunders@exeter.ac.uk).  The forum blog site can be accessed at exeterbovinetb.wordpress.com.

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